English Setter dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 06:30 AM PDT  English Setter dog is a strong and intelligent dog, English Setter dog is a gun dog, English Setter dog is abeautiful dog, English Setter dog is playful and energetic dog. Connoisseurs of the breed argue that he appeared in England over 400 years ago. Some of the earliest written sources show that the English Setter originated from older types of Spanish land spaniels. However, Hans Bol in his book “Hunting for quail, simple, and falconry, written in 1582, gives very definite and clear evidence that the rocks pointers and spaniels are already at that time were quite different. In the records of British hunters of past centuries, there are allegations that the English Setter – a descendant of the Spanish gun-dog, a large water spaniel and springer spaniel, through careful selection it has acquired the ability to find and make a point over the game in open spaces. By studying the illustrations in old books, it is clear that the setter-spaniel was very beautiful dog, many dogs head was much longer and the shape was close to the classic proportions, in contrast to the actual spaniels, in others the head was short, with no clearly delineated the profile of typical for today’s setters. Besides, the old setters hair was quite wavy and curly, especially on the thighs. That is, even the earliest written sources have not always agreed in opinion as to the origin of the breed. The largest contribution to the development of the modern breed of setter, no doubt, belongs to Edward Laveraku, who in 1825 bought the Reverend Father A. Harrison, dog, Ponto and Old Moll. Reverend Harrison for 35 years maintained the purity of the breed. From these two dogs Laverak, skillfully using inbreeding, received excellent English Setter Prince, Kauntess, Nelly and Faerie  English Setter dog is a beautiful dog, English Setter dog is a good hunter, English Setter dog is fast running dog. The first exhibition of English Setters was held January 28, 1859 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and since these exhibitions have been held all over England, gaining increasing popularity. In 1874, Mr. Laverak sold a pair of setters, Charles X. Raymond from the city of Morris Plains, New Jersey. Over the next ten years the breed has spread to the United States. At the same time in the U.S. and Canada was imported type English setters grown RL Pyurselem Lyuelinom. As regards the so-called lyue-Sakhalinsk type should say that while in England in the heyday was the type of Laveraka, Lyuelin bought some of his best exhibition of dogs and poured them into “an entirely new blood.” He tied them to the setter, acquired in the north of England in Mr. Statter and Sir Vincent Corbett. Representatives of this species was called Duke Rebs by name two of the most prominent pioneers of the type. The results were not long in coming, the dogs with fresh blood worked perfectly on field trials, covering the entire sector of search, “scrubbing” it clean. Their fame had reached America, the hunters in different areas of the United States and Canada have bought a lot of dogs, and so this type of rock is firmly established across the Atlantic  English Setter dog has friendly nature, English Setter dog is an excellent companion, but English Setter dog requares long walks. Perhaps the most notable name among the working dog breeds English setters in America – a Count Noble. This dog has got at Lyuelina Dave Sanborn of Dowling, Michigan, but after hunting with him in the prairies are so disillusioned that he was on his return to England, persuaded his BF Wilson of Pittsbur-ha. After the death of Count Sanborn passed into the hands of Wilson, who has demonstrated outstanding abilities of their pets throughout the United States from coast to coast. Now the stuffed dog exhibited at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, who attends many hunters. English Setter has retained its popularity in the U.S. mainly due to their working qualities and beauty. As a result, a reasonable selection in breeding improved, its representatives can be found at all shows and field trials. Gentle, friendly nature of the English setter with his intelligence and beautiful aristocratic good looks made him a universal favorite. He quickly and firmly attached to the owner and is an excellent companion, but English Setter requires long walks, so keep it better in the suburbs rather than in the city  English Setter dog is elegant and propotional, English Setter dog has beautiful aristocratic good looks. English Setter. Official Standard Approved November 11, 1986 General view. Elegant, proportional and harmonious folded Retriever perfectly combines strength, endurance and grace. Smooth, with elegant restroom psovinoy. Runs freely and smoothly, far from introducing forelimbs and strongly pushing back, back when it is straight and flat. Males are definitely stronger, but without coarseness addition. Females land, but not easy. The focus of the examination should be paid to the overall impression of the dog, its balance, movement, and is consistent with the purposes for which it deduced breed. Flaws: excessive development of individual articles and qualities that are contrary to the type of breed. Head. Dimensions and proportions are in harmony with the body. Long and lean, with well defined transition from forehead to muzzle. When viewed from the side of the top line of muzzle, skull and lower jaw are parallel. The skull oval when viewed from above, of medium width, without the slightest damn rude, at the base of the ears a little wider than the eyebrows. Occiput moderately expressed, but not excessively so. The length of the skull is the length of the muzzle. The muzzle is straight from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle to the tip of the nose. When viewed from the side of a long and rectangular, with square deep enough developed lips. The width of the muzzle is in harmony with the width of the skull and uniform throughout. Nose black or dark brown, fully pigmented. Nostrils wide open and wide. The skull beneath the eyes is well filled and not released. Cheeks smooth. Teeth – scissors bite is preferred dense, may be a straight line. The eyes are dark brown, the darker the better. The brilliant and widely spaced, with a kind, intelligent expression. Oval, rather large, not deep set nor protruding. Eyelid dark and fully pigmented, dry, tight, third eyelids are not visible. Low-set ears – at or below eye level. In the quiescent state close to head. Medium length, slightly rounded at the ends, not thin and not thick, covered with silky hair. The neck and body. Neck long, graceful, muscular and lean. At the base of the skull is oval in shape. Wider and I have muscular shoulders, where it gradually merges with the body. Skin folds are permitted, but not too large. Topline in movement and stance looks straight or slightly sloping, with no sway or retractions of the withers. Forms a graceful line of medium length. Forechest Strong, muscular, sternum slightly protruding beyond the line of scapulohumeral joints. Fairly deep – down to the elbows. Ribs long and moderately rounded middle, thinning and flattening at the end. Back straight, with a firm and strong loin. Loins muscular and of medium length, slightly arched. Abdomen moderately tucked up. The croup is nearly horizontal. The pelvis is broad, rounded croup. The tail is a continuation of the topline, comes to the hock or slightly shorter. The dog carries it horizontally at the back. Long, straight, silky hair on the underside of the tail forms a suspension |
Gordon Setter dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 06:30 AM PDT  Gordon Setter dog is a good huntingn dog, Gordon Setter dog is strong and fast dog, Gordon Setter dog has large size, strong and muscular composition. Beauty, brains, well-developed instinct – that features a beautiful black and tan Setter from Scotland, whose breeding lines date back to at least 1620. That’s when Markham – the writer of the time – gave praise to the black with a brownish-yellow hunting dog with a low stand, “which is” best able to carry a heavy work. ” Black and tan (sometimes black and white and tan) bsh setter for many decades, very popular with the Scottish hunters, but the fame he got through the fourth Duke of Gordon in the 1820′s. Talking about his setter, one of the writers speak of them as modern hunter: “Castle Gordon Setters are usually easy to train because they are natural born hunters. They are not too quick search, but they are very hardy and can be smoothly and securely work from morning till night. They have first-class feeling and rarely make mistakes in the search. If they make a stand, you can be sure that in that place sit the birds. ” Later, renowned expert on hunting dogs Idstoun said: “I have not seen the best setters, rather than black & tan. Admiring the magnificent appearance Setter-Gordon and its excellent working qualities, George Blunt in 1842, imported from Castle Gordon to America a couple of manufacturers – Rack and Rachel. Their images, donated by Daniel Webster, sealed black piebald male with curly hair and black & tan female. In subsequent years, imported dogs from Britain and the Scandinavian countries, as well as an improved type of rock in the United States allowed Setter Gordon’s popularity as pets and Retriever, especially in the period when the killed game were sold in the markets and therefore a good hunting dog is highly appreciated. In 1891, Henry Malcolm founded the American club-Gordon setter, although AKC officially recognized the breed until the following year. With the advent of field-testing as a form of competition in popularity of the breed began to decline, as the habit of thoroughly searching the area and an unwillingness to depart far from the owner put him at a disadvantage where the required speed limit your search. Nevertheless, Gordon did not know his equal for true hunting. Currently, when field tests are carried out several clubs from the Gordon Setter strive for greater speed and range of search, while retaining their inherent methodical and reliability  Gordon Setter dog is use for hunting, Gordon Setter dog has excellent memory, Gordon Setter dog has silky coat. Characteristic of the Scottish setter passionate desire to work with her beloved master is not lost for centuries. The same applies to his lively mind and excellent memory, which allows a dog from one year to improve the quality of their work without having to repeat each season natasku. Breeders of Gordon supported by strong national club, do not release the dogs, preparing for field trials and for exhibitions. As a rule, exhibition champions are regularly used for hunting and work well in the field, and the winners of field tests are successfully exposed. Oft-quoted remark that the color of the Scottish setter makes it in the field, without a doubt, belongs to those who have never hunted with him. On the background of faded autumn grass or early snow black dog stands out. Are difficult to Scottish setter is just after dusk, but then it becomes unsafe to shoot. Gordon – a setter that has the distinctive characteristic properties of rocks and only superficially resembles the English and Irish setter. On field trials using a smaller (but not bednokostny) vnutriporodny type, usually do well at shows larger dogs. The official breed standard permissible height at the withers varies widely, primarily because hunters in different parts of the country, adapting to the terrain, choose a type of dog. However, all agree that Gordon should be elegant handsome – with a silky shiny hair, bright mahogany tan, with thick feathering on the feet and fun to hold the tail. He has a perfectly fashioned, a little heavy head with low-set ears and an intelligent, expressive eyes. Relatively large size, strong and muscular composition and characteristic gait give Gordon that endurance that is necessary in its constant quest for days to work in the field. And hunters and pet lovers are attracted to Gordon Setter his devotion to all family members. Suspicious of uninvited guests, he lives to be with the owners, and not trying to make friends with the first counter. This almost fanatical devotion did Gordon not only an excellent podruzheynoy, but also for the domestic dog  Gordon Setter puppies are friendly and playful dogs, Gordon Setter dogs are strong dogs and good hunters. Setter Gordon. Official Standard Approved October 9, 1990 General view. Gordon Setter – a large, tightly folded active and elegant dog black and tan, with strong muscles and strong bones, capable of smoothly and reliably operate in the field from morning till night. He has a strong, fairly short back, ribs and a short tail. Head is quite heavy, noble lines. Demeanor proud and noble, without the least sign of cowardice or aggression. Right are bright in color and tone straight or slightly wavy coat. Gordon gives the impression of a strong and sturdy dog ??with no predominance of high-speed qualities. Most attention should be paid on the harmonious and proper addition. Dog proportional form is preferable that different articles of which contrasted with disabilities. Typical is a smooth, free gallop with their heads held high. Growth, proportion, composition. Growth. Height: Males – 61 – 68.5 cm, females – 58.5 – 66 cm Weight: males – 25 – 36 kg, females – 20.5 – 32 kg. Dogs whose weight is above or below these limits should be evaluated according to their conformation and condition. Dogs with low or high weight are removed from the ring on the grounds that it degrades the quality of workers. Weight and height at withers Gordon more than the other setters. Proportions. Distance from humeroscapular joint to point of buttock approximately equal to the height at the withers. The backbone of a strong, dense composition. Head rather deep than wide, with interior skull, leaving enough room for the brain. The eyes are dark brown, shiny, smart, relatively large, not deep set nor protruding. Form an oval eye. Eyelids lean, tight. Ears rather large and thin, drooping, wrinkled, set low, around the eye line, carried close to the head. The skull is rounded, relatively large, wider between the ears. Cheeks are developed in proportion and not issued to the side. The transition from forehead to muzzle well defined. Muzzle long, square, not pointed. Length of muzzle equal to length of skull from the occiput to the transition from forehead to muzzle, the top line of the muzzle is parallel to the forehead. Nose broad, black, with open nostrils. Lip contour, rectangular, lips tight, not raw. Teeth white, large. Scissor bite, ie upper incisors slightly forward of the lower. Level bite is allowed, as well as yellow or damaged teeth after the plague or related diseases. Neck, Topline, Body. Neck long, lean, arched, without dewlap. The topline is slightly sloping. Housing is short. Chest deep, reaching to the elbows and not too broad. Ribs fairly prominent, giving the room a light. The belly appears forward. Loins short and broad, not spineless. Croup nearly horizontal, only slightly inclined to the base of the tail. The tail is short, not below the hock. The dog carries it horizontally or nearly horizontally. The tail is thick at the base, tapering to an end, not docked. Manera bear’s tail is essential. It should not be Zadran high or hang down like the wolf – “billet.” The situation of the tail must match the structure of the croup. Forequarters. The transition from neck to shoulder a smooth and harmonious. Scapula slanting, their upper edges converge close to the withers area. Humeroscapular joint angle of approximately 90 °. Forearms are straight, perpendicular to the ground. The front legs with strong, massive bone structure, straight and without the barrel hocked. Elbows free, neither turning out nor inside. The pasterns are straight. Feet round – “cat”, with tightly compressed, arched his fingers, between which grow thick hair. Pads and metacarpus dense and resilient. Fifth fingers may be removed. Feet point straight ahead – not outwards, or clubfoot. Hindquarters. Thighs long, flattened, and muscular. Hocks are short and strong. Angulation of stifles and hock joints are clearly defined and not turning the outside or inside. Hocks are parallel to each other, vertical. In the rack, and of delayed back paw, they are almost parallel to the thighs. Feet are the same as in forequarters  Gordon Setter dog has soft and shiny coat, Gordon Setter dog is an active and energetic dog. Coat. Wool is soft and shiny, straight or slightly wavy but not curly. On the ears, the bottom surface of the body and abdomen, the back of the front and rear limbs and tail longer hair. Suspension, beginning at the base of the tail, slightly wavy or straight, triangular in shape, tapering to the end (pen or a flag). Black and tan. Admitted black stripes on their legs. The boundary between the black color and tan, clearly marked. The black should not be yellowish-brown hair. Tan is located at the following locations: 1) Two clear spots no more than two centimeters in diameter above the eyes, and 2) on the sides of the muzzle. Markings do not reach the top of the muzzle, they would wrap around it like around the edges, and 3) at the throat, and 4) two large patches on the chest, and 5) on the inside of the hind limbs fell, down down, grabs the front of the knee and extends from the hock to the fingers. Tan should not displace the black color on the back of the legs, and 6) on the forequarters from the wrist or just above comes down to the toes, and 7) around the anus. Allowed a white spot on his chest, but the less the better. Dogs with a predominance of yellow-brown, red or buffalo skin color (dark yellow) are not typical of Gordon’s picture spots to shows and do not allow the plan does not include bindings. Movement confident, energetic. Gallop broad, sweeping, with a powerful push. Gordon’s head is high. In a move the dog constantly waving its tail from side to side. When viewed from the front legs move so that the shoulders, elbows and metacarpal joints are approximately in line. When viewed from the rear hock, knee and hip joints are approximately in line. Thus, the dog comes without a side limb removal. When viewed from the side of the front limbs shall be put forward, respectively, the movement back. The latter, originally of delayed far back, stir deep body and makes far back, making the max long, and push – strong. All this ensures a smooth, harmonious, pleasant to the eye and well-balanced rhythm of movement, economic and plastic |
Irish Red Setter dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 06:03 AM PDT  Irish Red Setter dog is an active dog, Irish Red Setter dog is an intelligent and aristocratic dog, Irish Red Setter dog is a fast hunter dog. Irish setter was first attracted attention in the early XVIII century. However, almost one hundred years later reputation as a hunter has firmly established him not only in his native Ireland, but also in the British Isles. The arguments about its origin nothing more than guesses. In the ancestors of the Irish Setter enroll many breeds, but none of them can not with certainty on this claim. In particular, there is a perception that this breed originated from crossing the Irish Water Spaniel Irish terrier, but more reliable, it appears that participated in the creation of the breed English Setter, Spanish Pointing Dogs and Pointer. There is in him and bloody Gordon. American Irish Setter Club chose the name of the breed “Irish Red Setter” to indicate its place of origin. Nevertheless, the ancestors of these dogs rarely have a solid color. The vast majority of them were red-white, often in color prevailed white. Even today in the British Isles and Europe, many individuals have discontinuous color. However, in America, recognize only the red dog or red with small, not conspicuous white spots. Bright, mahogany coat is the hallmark of the breed. Largely due to his setter has now become everyone’s favorite. Setter solid red color in contrast to the red-spotted first appeared in Ireland in the XIX century. Dzheson Hazzard, Sir St. George Gore and graph Enniskillen – all the conclusions of the red dogs. Are there any documentary evidence that the graph of Enniskillen held in his kennel only such. After several years of Stonehenge, said: “Blood-red, bright chestnut or mahogany color – that color vysokoporodnyh dogs. This suit should not be mixed with black and in bright light should not be observed in dark shades, especially black fringe on the ears and in tow. ” Stonehenge is not in vain mentions black, it can mean bloody Gordon. Today, this color is emphatically rejected in color Irish setter. Even a few black hairs are on the “vice. But enough talk about the appearance of an Irishman, proceed to the more important characteristics  Irish Red Setter dog looks proud, Irish Red Setter dog is easy trained dog with friendly temperament. Irish Setter primarily hunting Retriever. The first dog was brought to the United States for hunting game. Despite the fact that the American species of grouse and grouse were completely unfamiliar to them, Irish setter immediately showed its best side. Elko, brought in 1875, one of the first won for themselves and their posterity the reputation of excellent hunters. He is not only a huge success was presented at the exhibitions, but also, being superbly coached, worked perfectly in the field. Quoting Hokuolta. In his book “Modern setter, he writes:” In all, without exception, reports on the first field trials, we find evidence that the Irish setter, showing the “blue blood”, spoke confidently. If at one time lovers Irish Setter continued work on the breed, he is today, no doubt, would occupy a high place in the field trials, not yielding to the other two species. Under them, of course, refers to the English setter and pointer. However, fans of the Irish Setter breed is not improved, at least in terms of field quality. As a result, Pointers and Setters Lyuelina held on field trials all the prizes. Nevertheless, Irish setters have not lost non-working qualities Retriever and opportunity to demonstrate their hunt for all kinds of game. How strange, but wonderful appearance and character have rendered a disservice to the Irishman: the beauty, vitality, courage and personality have made him an ideal show dog. For this reason, many breeders are tempted to grow dogs only for exhibitions, sacrificing their primary mission, which does not preclude either its color or size or composition. And one more word – about the nature of this breed. First of all, it is typically Irish, it does have some sort of recklessness, which not only gives the Irishman extremely attractive, but also makes it indispensable when working on rough terrain and heather bushes. This is a bold, decisive and a dog at the same time soft, loving and loyal. It is hardy and can work tirelessly under difficult conditions. He has strong legs and balance disorders. He almost never “offended” when corrected in this work. Development of the Irish Setter can not be called early. Often it has to train for longer than other breeds of hunting dogs. His biggest drawback for field trials is a lack of independence – it draws too much attention to the owner. In response to accusations that the Irish Setter develops slowly, it is fair to argue that, once having coached in the bird, he remembers it for life and requires no additional annual nataski. If you have got an Irishman, you can be sure not to part with him for many years and will always be proud of his looks, personality and working qualities  Irish Red Setter dog is fast hunter and at the same time elegant dog, Irish Red Setter dog is a great family dog. Irish setter. Official Standard Approved August 14, 1990 General view. Irish Setter – an active, aristocratic appearance Retriever sufficiently strong addition and at the same time elegant. Height at the withers – more than 60 cm It has a smooth, silky, shiny hair, long on the ears, chest, tail and rear legs. In the Irish setter is presented as a fast hunter, at home – soft, easily trained companion. Irish Setter is so harmonically complex, that artists have called it the most beautiful breed of dogs. Dogs with correct conformation and in the rack, and the move is always perfectly balanced. Each part of the body of a dog without stopping sight smoothly flows into another. Growth, proportion, composition. Abnormalities in growth are not considered disqualifying. The most important is the overall harmony of the addition. Ideal for exhibitions are considered the height at the withers: males – 68.5 cm, females – 63.5 cm Weight: Males – 32 kg, females – 27 kg. Deviations in either direction within 2.5 cm not taken into account. Proportions: Length of body slightly larger than the height at the withers. Addition: of course strong, with strong bones. Addition of dogs large and strong, but without coarseness, females are smaller, but not too light. Elongated head and dry for at least two times longer than the distance between the ears. The beauty of the head emphasizes the elegant lines of the muzzle, the front of the skull and jaw. Expression of the eyes is good, but cautious. Eyes almond shaped, medium sized, wide-set, not deep set nor protruding. Eye color from dark brown to hazel. Ears set well and low – no higher than eye level. Thin, falls neatly folds, tightly adhering to the head, stretched forward, some do not reach the nose. The skull oval when viewed from above or from the front, in profile slightly convex. Eyebrows raised and form a distinct transition from forehead to muzzle at an equal distance from the nose to the marked trowel (occiput). Thus, nearly level line from occiput to the eyebrows, is located just above and parallel to the topline of the muzzle. Muzzle moderately deep, jaws of nearly equal length, the bottom line of the muzzle is parallel to the topline of the muzzle. Nose black or chocolate, the nostrils wide open. Edge of the upper lip square. Lips. Teeth meet in a scissors bite, where the upper teeth fit snugly to the bottom. Allowed to bite  Irish Red Setter dog has short and soft coat, Irish Red Setter dog is very dynamic and graceful. Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is medium length, slightly arched, strong but not coarse, without suspension. Its base is gradually merges with the body. Topline from withers to base of tail elastic, slightly sloping, croup should not be abruptly truncated. The tail is a continuation of croup as a harmonious extension of the topline. Strong at the base, pointed to a close, direct or saber form. Along the length of a bit does not reach the hock. The dog’s tail is almost back line. Housing is long enough to provide a broad, free running. Chest deep, reaches approximately to the elbows, with a moderately developed sternum, which is slightly out ahead. Forechest narrow and does not obstruct the movement of the blades is formed over ribs. Lumbar strong, muscular, of medium length. Forequarters. Shoulder blades are long, wide, sloping, fairly close agree to the withers. Shoulder and shoulder blade approximately equal in length, articulated at an angle sufficient to elbows are directly under the withers. The elbows move freely without twisting or outside, nor inside. Forearm are straight and sinewy. The pasterns are strong, almost vertical. Feet small, very strong, arched and tight. Hindquarters. The croup is broad and powerful. Thighs strong and muscular, long. Hind legs long and muscular from hip to hock. Hocks are short and steep. Knee and hock joints, which, like the elbow is not turned inside or out, or inside, have a pronounced angulation. Paws – as in forequarters. Angles of front and rear legs must be balanced. Coat. The coat is short and soft on the head and forequarters. In other parts of the body – is moderately long, smooth. Feathering on the ears long and silky on the back of the legs – long and soft. Beautiful fringe on the belly and lower chest passes to the front of the chest. Suspension on the tail – the average length is gradually shortened to an end. Wool, including tow and Suspension – straight, without undulation and curls. Irish setter to the show trimmed to emphasize the dry head and a clear line of the neck. Cut the top third of the ear and throat almost to the sternum. Excess hair on the paws clean, to demonstrate the natural contours of the feet. Grooming is performed to preserve the natural lines of the dog. Color mahogany or bright chestnut red with no black inclusions. Allowed small patches of white on his chest, throat and legs, or blaze on the skull. Movement. Trot movement broad, very dynamic and graceful. On an expedited lynx head slightly pushed forward, improving the balance. The forelegs are submitted far ahead, “podgrebaya” under the earth itself, but without bending the wrist. Hindquarters repel smoothly and powerfully. When observing from the front or rear pasterns and hocks are moving perpendicular to the ground, increasing the speed they converge under body towards the center of gravity. Features of the structure, preventing the direct, correct movements, marriage |
American Water Spaniel dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 05:37 AM PDT  American Water Spaniel dog is playful dog, American Water Spaniel dog is intelligent working dog, American Water Spaniel dog is a great family dog. How, where and when there was a breed of American water spaniel, it remains a mystery to us. Nevertheless, the dignity of the breed have always been appreciated by hunters in different parts of the United States. It can be argued that contemporary American Water Spaniel originated in the Midwest, because it is in that region for many generations to give the dog a typical and stable offspring. Color, wool and addition gives grounds to assume that participated in the creation of the breed Irish Water Spaniel and the Curly Coated Retriever, whose ancestor is the old English water spaniel, although the confidence to talk about it impossible. To the recognition of the American Kennel Club in 1940, the American Water Spaniel was purely a working dog. Prior to that he was never taken out for the show ring, as his admirers had feared that exterior requirements may adversely affect its excellent working qualities. However, they soon realized that the selective criteria related to the adversarial nature of the show, in fact only increases the value of working dogs, even nature has generously bestowed upon its merits. How Retriever American Water Spaniel works almost flawlessly. It will be seen as a host to shoot four or five birds, then starts fast, with enthusiasm to work until podneset all. American Water Spaniel disputes and gently works for all types of game – partridge, quail, pheasants, ducks and hares. It floats, “as the seal” – particularly well in running water, so it will not go on any podranok, and the tail serves as his driving. It also works well on the ground. With a great flair, he successfully finds the game on rough terrain, woodland and dense bush. His vigorous and thorough search of encouraging hunters. And thanks to the desire to be helpful, it’s easy to teach and coach, though at times a passionate desire to work leads to overexcitation. He does not stand above the game, he raises it. Everything else – it’s a great keeper, who fits well into the family circle  American Water Spaniel dog is running well in water, American Water Spaniel dog is an active, muscular dog. American Water Spaniel official standard Approved March 13, 1990 General view. Breed was formed in the United States as a hunter. These dogs are able to find and bring a variety of game, as hunting from a boat or on land. This is an active, muscular dog of medium size with a curly, curly hair. Particular attention should be paid to the proper size, proportions, composition, structure, coat and color. Height, weight, proportion, composition. Height: 38 – 56 cm Weight: males – 13,5 – 20,5 kg, females – 11 – 18 kg. Females under addition is somewhat easier to males. Preferred sizes in the range of data for females and males do not exist, provided that the dog is composed proportionately. Proportions: Length of body slightly longer than the height at the withers. Format is a little stretched. The main thing is to make the dog look proportional and strong, able to carry out their work. Addition of a strong, muscular. Skeleton strong enough to carry the muscle, but not enough to seem rude  American Water Spaniel dog has medium size with a curly hair, American Water Spaniel dog has brawn or chocolate color. Head of medium length, proportional to the total addition of the dog. Expression in his eyes confident, lively, attractive and intelligent. Eyes of medium size, rather wide apart, rounded, not protruding or bulging. Eyelids fitting tightly, does not hang down. Eye color can vary from light tan to brown, walnut or darker colors, harmonizing with coat color. Ears set slightly above eye level, but not too high. Lopasteobraznye, long and wide, stretched forward, reach the nose. The skull is wide, smooth. Go Stop moderate, but not too drastically. Muzzle medium length, square, deep enough, not tapering to the nose. The lips are dry and tight, not pendulous and without Bryl. Nose broad, with open nostrils, black or dark brown. Scissor bite or direct. Disqualifying faults: his eyes yellow, light yellow in color, resembling a lemon (not to be confused with a light yellowish-brown). Neck, Topline, Body. Neck Round, of medium length, strong and muscular, without dewlap, high pitched, but the back of the neck is not indicated. Topline: Straight or slightly sloping. Housing is well developed, strong, but not too compact. Breast volume, not too broad nor too narrow, the sternum is lowered to the elbows. Ribs prominent, but not enough to hamper the movement of the forelegs. The loin is strong, the stomach does not lean. Tail of medium length, saber, thins to an end, with a slight dewlap. The dog carries its tail gaily, just below or slightly above the back. Forequarters. Shoulder blades oblique, muscular. Limbs moderately long, straight and strong bones, but not too short to hinder the work in the field and not so heavy as to appear clumsy. The pasterns are strong, without the slightest sign of weakness. Fingers tightly compressed, membranous, with thick pads. Size is proportional to the addition of dog paws. Fifth fingers can leave  American Water Spaniel puppies are cute and playful, American Water Spaniel dog has well-balanced removal, American Water Spaniel is a good hunter. Hindquarters. Croup and thighs are well developed, strong, sturdy and muscular. Hocks slightly rounded, not straight and sharp, with moderate angulation. Metatarsus medium length, straight with strong bone. When viewed from behind are parallel to each other. Coat. Varying degrees of curl – from undulation to steep curls. The structure of the curly coat can vary in different parts of the body. Coat should be dense enough to provide protection from water, weather or scratches and cuts while working in the land. However, it should not be too harsh or too lenient. Throat, neck and back of the thighs are covered with dense hair. Ears are covered with a thick coat on both sides, leaving open the ear canal. The forehead is covered with short, straight, tight coat without pappus or wig. Tail with a small suspension (brush). Limbs covered with moderately long wavy or curly hair, blending in with the wool on the body. Wool can be trimmed to the exhibition to provide well-groomed dog ears can be podbrit, but not necessarily. Color liver, brown or dark chocolate. Keep small white spots on his fingers and chest. Movement. American Water Spaniel moves with well-balanced removal of the forelimbs and a strong push back. When observing the front elbows should not turn out. When viewed from behind muscular hind legs move parallel to each other, hocks should not be too close together. Metatarsals bear the full load, the joints fully flexed, giving the impression of power and strength. Temperament. Friendly disposition, combined with the intelligence and the desire to be helpful. The dog takes a lot of energy, passion for hunting and constantly tuned to work, however it should be easily manageable in the field. ELIMINATING FAULTS Yellow eyes |
Clumber Spaniel dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 05:16 AM PDT  Clumber Spaniel dog is smart and playful dog, Clumber Spaniel dog moves peculiar, Clumber Spaniel breed dog is a friendly dog, Clumber Spaniel dog is an aristocratic guard dog. By type of addition Clumber Spaniel is very different from the other spaniels. Its origin is known for certain, as, indeed, the origin of many other breeds. We can only reflect on the statements of experts, and then, without losing sight of the features of the exterior, to try to resolve the issue themselves with a sufficient degree of probability. It can be assumed that the long, low building Clumber received from interbreeding with basset hound and a heavy head (with the notable third century), – from an old alpine spaniel. In the old days Spaniel puppies (even siblings) called differently: Cocker, Springer and the like, but the name “Clumber in the old days did not occur. This, however, does not mean that the Clumber appeared later. In fact, this is one of the oldest breeds, bred for work purposes. It is believed that this breed originated in France. One of the earliest images Clumber - a picture by Francis Wheatley “Returning from the hunt” (1788), where we see the second Duke of Newcastle and his three Clumber. There is a theory that during the French Revolution, Duke Noayl moved spaniels, he bred for several generations in England, to the estate of the Duke of Newcastle in Nottinghamshire, at Clumber Park (hence the name of the breed). The English aristocracy jealously guard breed, not allowing her wide distribution. Dogs of the Duke of Portland, Lord Arthur Cecil and Earl Spencer, apparently descended from dogs from Clumber Park. Prince Albert, husband of the reigning Queen Victoria, Clumber interested to see how they work in the estate of the Duke of Newcastle. And King Edward VII gave his spaniel prefix “Sendringem” after acquired residence Sendringem House in 1861  Clumber Spaniel dog is particularly well suited for operation in dense thickets, Clumber Spaniel dogis a smart and friendly dog. Clumber Spaniel was first shown at an exhibition in England in 1859. In America, Clumber appeared in 1844. Brought them to Canada Lieutenant Venebls of the 97 th Regiment of Her Majesty, who was stationed in the town of Halifax (Nova Scotia). And the first Clumber Spaniel was registered in the American stud book in 1878 – six years before the foundation of the American Kennel Club. (This is explained by the fact that the herd books in the United States existed long before the appearance of AKS. Three volumes of such books were the basis for the Register of pedigree books which are published periodically since 1887.) When in England in the early 1900′s was created by the breed standard, there was disagreement about the explicit third century, the representatives of this breed. Some believed that a significant third eyelid makes the eyes vulnerable to injury at work, others have argued that it is the most typical feature of the best early birds. Modern Standard AKC says: “Can clearly visible third eyelid.” Clumber – pretty slow hunter, he moves peculiar – like waddle (see the standard). This kind of movement he tirelessly could walk all day. Clumber is particularly well suited for operation in dense thickets. He usually works without a voice and can approach very close to game. He is looking great game and if it is as follows sophistication, its great aportiruet  Clumber Spaniel dog moves easily and freely, Clumber Spaniel dog can walk all day. Clumber Spaniel. Official Standard Approved October 10, 1989 General view. Clumber – a long, low, heavy dog. The massive brow, deep chest, straight front and strong hind limbs, massive bone and big feet – all this gives him the strength and endurance in the search game in dense thickets, and white color readily visible on the hunt. His posture upright, thoughtful expression in his eyes, and at the same time, he shows great enthusiasm in anticipation of the hunt or play. Growth, proportion, composition. Height: Males – 48 – 51 cm, females – 43 – 48 cm (approximately). Weight: Males – 32 – 38.5 kg, females – 25 – 32 kg. At Clumber massive skeleton. Ratio of the distance from the withers to the tail base and the height from the withers to the ground – 11:9 (index 120 format). The head is massive. The eyes are dark amber, large, kind and gentle expression, deep-set, diamond-shaped or rounded top of a cut eye. May well be viewed by a third eyelid. Ears are thick, with a broad base, set low – at eye-level, triangular, with rounded edges. Covered somewhat more dense straight hair. The skull is flat with well defined occipital protuberance. In the center of the skull and between the eyes is a shallow depression in the ground. The transition from forehead to muzzle a sharp, heavy brow ridges. The muzzle is broad and deep, making it easier aportirovanie game. Nose: big, square. Can be painted in various shades of brown, including white, pink and cherry red. Major upper lip closes the lower jaw attaches to the muzzle and a square silhouette. Scissor bite. Flaws: bulging or round eyes, excessive tearing, tucked or inverted eyelids. Neck, Topline, Body. At Clumber be long, muscular, high set neck, the skin droops on the throat or the presence of dewlap is not a disadvantage. Corpus long (stretched). Topline straight, strong. Back long and straight. Chest broad and deep. Ribs protruding. Slightly pulled groin. The tail is docked, in accordance with the general proportions of the adult dog, planted just below the back line, in the normal state the dog brings it horizontally  Clumber Spaniel dog has smaller lemon or orange spots on the body, Clumber Spaniel dog has traight and tight-fitting coat. Forequarters. Vanes sloping. Shoulders should be long enough so that your elbows positioned at the withers. Forearm short, straight, with a strong backbone, elbows pressed against your body. The pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. Feet large and compact with thick pads that act as shock absorbers. Fifth fingers may be removed. The hair on the legs can be trimmed to make the dog look neat, as well as for convenience in the field. Hindquarters. Hips with a powerful, strong muscled when viewed from behind large rounded and wide. Knee angulation is clearly marked, metatarsals are short and steep. Feet on the hind legs are not so large nor so rounded as in front. They are compact, with thick pads large enough. Flaws: straightened angulations. Coat. On the body – thick, straight and tight-fitting coat protects the dog from inclement weather conditions, soft to the touch, not rigid. Ears are covered with a thick straight hair. Feathering on the legs and abdomen are moderate. On the neck is long enough wool forms a “frill.” Trim the throat or in any case impossible. Paw and the paw can be trimmed to accentuate their natural lines. Suspension on the tail can be combed. Allowed to shorten his mustache. Haircut elsewhere in the body are not allowed. Color and markings. Background color Clumber predominantly white with lemon or orange spots. Equally prized spots around one or both eyes, or pure white exterior of the skull. Specks on the face and front legs is common. The smaller spots on the body, the better, although a spot at the base of the tail is quite acceptable. Movement. Clumber moves easily and freely with you, good forehand stroke and a strong push back, do not cross, not thrown out. Metatarsus repel plumb and parallel. Due to the wide body and short limbs present Clumber trot runs slightly “waddle.” This happens when he makes the hind legs forward and lowers the hips down and back at this time is straight and flat. Similar to a trot, he can walk all day, tirelessly working in the field. Temperament. Clumber – loyal and affectionate dog. He kept in relation to others, but never hostile or fearful |
English Springer Spaniel dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 04:40 AM PDT  English Springer spaniel dog is a good family dog, English Springer spaniel dog is a hunting dog, English Springer spaniel dog is smart and playful dog. Previously known as “rouse Spaniel» (springing spaniel) meant the dogs, from whom many modern breeds of land spaniels. In the 1800′s Springer and Cockers are often born in one litter, they are distinguished solely by size. In 1902 the English Kennel Club recognized the English Springer Spaniel as a separate breed. In 1880 was organized by the American Spaniel Club, the task he considered the separation of spaniels in size, all dogs weighing over 13 kilograms are classified as Springer. Despite the fact that some American hunters have such dogs, they became known later, when in 1924 the Association of field tests of English springer spaniel, and three years later (1927) Association became involved in breeding and breed. Its purpose was to improve the exterior and the working abilities of Springer. Standard American Kennel Club, adopted in 1927 and was first revised in 1932, called for the fullest development of capabilities Springer – a dog who, having passed the appropriate training, could perform their hunting destination. The Association holds an annual field trial that showed the public how well the Retriever. The larger events were, the wider and faster would be to find a dog and if it underwent a course of training, to obey orders owner. The current standard, no doubt, transformed the rock and made it more of the same type as the working qualities, and on the exterior. Springer – the recognized hunting dog, and therefore should not lose any of the standard features. For example, he should not have massive bone structure, to be stocky, not to lose the advantage when working in the field. Its main purpose – to hunt and find game  English Springer Spaniel puppies are cute and playful dogs, English Springer Spaniel dog is smart family dog. Springer Spaniel. Official Standard Approved June 13, 1978 Revised February 14, 1989 General view. English springer spaniel – hunting dog of medium size with a nice, compact body and docked tail. Coat – moderately long and glossy with feathering on the legs, ears, front and bottom of the chest and rib cage. Hanging ears, gentle, quiet expression of the eyes, a strong addition and friendly wagging tail indicates it belongs to an ancient family of Spaniels. First of all, it is harmoniously combined dog, all parts of the body which is perfectly balanced and in harmony with each other. His upright posture and a deep body, long enough and muscular limbs, light movements. Short, straight back, well developed thighs, strong shoulders and feet leave the impression of strength, endurance and agility. In general, it looks like a dog that can hunt long and hard for any adverse conditions. Moreover, he likes what he does. Springer has dignity, harmony and energy, he hunter to the bone, and combines these features of the breed, as the beauty and performance. Vices: the absence of the characteristic features of English Springer in the exterior, the expression and behavior. Growth, proportion, composition. Springer folded so that it can easily yi relatively quickly move through any terrain. It should be medium size – not too light and not too large or heavy to do the work for which it was designed. Ideal height at withers: males – 51 cm, females, 48 ??cm length of the body (the distance from the withers to the base of the tail) should be approximately equal to the height at the withers, but in any case not more or much less. A dog with a very long body, especially the long loin, tires quickly, it lacks the typical compact silhouette of the breed. It is also desirable that the corps was too short. In this case too long limbs break the balance and coordination. Weight may vary depending on the size of the dog. Male height of 51 cm, harmoniously proportioned, in good condition should weigh 22.2 – 25 kg. In general, the dog should look okay tailored, strong, with a strong but not too heavy bone structure and in any case not rude or crude addition. Faults: Height at the withers by 2.5 cm more or less standard, being overweight, ill addition, vysokonogost and lightweight bones  English Springer Spaniel puppy is active and friendly dog, English Springer Spaniel dog has well-developed musculature. Head is large but not heavy. Its beauty lies in the harmony of the fortress of addition and refinement. It is important that head size and its proportions match the rest of the body. In profile, head length approximately equal to the length of the neck. Go Stop, a form of superciliary arches and the shape of the infraorbital space complement a charming and characteristic expression in his eyes Springer. Vivid expression in his eyes, kind, trust. Eyes – the most attractive feature of Springer. Eye color, their location and size to a large extent affect their expression. The eyes should be medium in size. Posed a relatively wide eyes, they planted a relatively deep. Eye color should harmonize with coat color, preferably dark hazel in dogs liver color and dark brown (black) in dogs black and white color. Eyelids lean, tight, and the third eyelid is not visible at all or only slightly noticeable. Ears are set at eye level, not too far away brushed. Long and fairly wide, they fit snugly to the head, the bottom of their in no case are lifted up or sideways. Thin, long enough to close the nose. Skull of medium length, proportionally broad, flat top, slightly rounded on the sides and rear. Occiput weakly expressed, rather rounded than pointed or cornered. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull and is in harmony with its wide and general structure. When viewed from the top width of the muzzle is approximately half the width of the skull. The transition from forehead to muzzle is moderately expressed, between the eyes of the transition from forehead to muzzle and runs until the middle of the forehead surface groove. The upper line of the muzzle slightly raised. The transition from forehead to muzzle emphasizes the median groove, the position and shape of the superciliary arches, which must be relatively high up in the air. Cheeks flat (not convex, and abundant and thick), without retractions under the eyes. When viewed from the side of the upper line of the forehead and muzzle lie in two approximately parallel planes. Nasal bridge straight, without going down to the nose, it would give to an unwanted dog and uncharacteristic of the breed appearance. Nose broad, with open nostrils, liver or black, depending on color. Jaws are long enough to easily hold its prey. Square or slightly elongated in shape, lean, strong and straight. Upper lip, and about a square, drops deep enough to completely cover the lower jaw, but his lips are not raw, without Bryl. Teeth strong and white, not too small. Scissors bite (lower teeth relate to the inner surface of the upper). Flaws: small, round, large or protruding, as well as restless, suspicious, aggressive or angry expression of the eyes, yellow or brass (copper color), eye color and much lighter coat color. Raw, pendulous eyelids. Clearly visible third eyelid. Short, round, raised too high, too low and of delayed too far back his ears. Rome (hooked) nose, the hollow back of the nose (“snub nose”). “Dudley nose (flesh color) or nose-butterfly (patchy color). Oval, pointed or massive skull. Schekastost. Too harsh or too smooth transition from forehead to muzzle. Disproportionately heavy, too short, too wide or narrow muzzle. Pendulous, raw lips. ELIMINATING FAULTS: Overshot or undershot  English Springer Spaniel dog is an intelligent dog, English Springer Spaniel dog loves human company. Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is medium length, muscular, with a slightly convex nape, smoothly connected with the case. Supplier is not too high. Go to the withers without a pronounced angle. The topline is slightly sloping from withers to tail, but not cool. The back is almost straight. Croup is only slightly lower than the withers. Housing sturdily built, compact. The chest is deep, up to the elbows, but not too wide or round, to constrain the movement of the forelegs. The ribs are rather long, gradually rounded off to the middle, flattening the bottom. Bottom line shell from the elbow is almost no recovery until the end of the chest, then goes up markedly, but not so much that the dog was a “narrow waist” or explicit fry. Spin from the withers to the loins is straight and strong, without sag, cavity, or hunchback. Loin muscular, short, slightly convex. The croup is rounded with a slight slope to the base of the tail. Tail Springer – an indicator of his temperament and the right addition. Characteristic of the Springer is hilarious povilivanie tail. His posed a relatively low and continues to the natural line of croup. The dog’s tail is almost horizontally, in an excited state slightly lifts. Vertically raised tail is atypical for the breed. Should not be cut short tail is too short. Faults: short neck (often a consequence of vertical blades), sheep (short and loaded), concave neck, too much dewlap. Too sloping back, which is associated with a steep crest (when explicitly conditional blades) and the sharply sloping croup. Insufficiently deep chest, too flat or barrel, which prevents movement. Sway back, which points to its weakness or lack of muscle development. Roach back (too convex over the loins and back) Arch. Sharply angled or straight croup – unsightly flaws that distort the natural forms of the dog and prevent its proper motion. Upright tail. Too low or too high set tail. Tails between their legs (pointing to the cowardice or weakness of the nervous system – the lack of an even more objectionable than the “too gay raised tail”). Forequarters. Shoulder blades are flat, smooth blend with the lines of the body, the upper edges of the blades converge fairly closely. Efficient movement of forelimbs requires proper structure blades. In Springer oblique blades to form a shoulder bone angle of approximately 90 °, which allows the dog free to make the front legs. Elbows pinned to your body, move freely through the structure of the shoulders. Forearms are straight. Forelimb bones strong, slightly flattened, not too heavy and not round. Pasterns short, strong. Feet round or slightly oval, compact, arched, medium in size with thick pads and toes covered with a thick long hair. Excess hair on the legs removed to show the natural shape and size of the feet. Faults: Steep, straight blades, impeding the proper way; loaded blades (protruding shoulder blades, that is due to the excessive development of the muscles). Loose elbows, barrel posed forelimbs. Too easy or rough and massive bones. Weak, sloping pasterns. Thin, flat, or raspushennye long and quite narrow feet. Hindquarters. Springer should exhibit in working condition, with well-developed musculature. The entire rear portion of the housing must leave the impression of strength and ability to powerfully push off. The hip joints are placed pretty well, croup nicely rounded. Thighs broad and muscular. Knee joints are strong, with moderately angulated. Hocks slightly arched, not straight and sharp, with moderately angulated. Hocks are short and strong with good bone. When viewed from the rear shank parallel to each other, whether the dog in the rack, or is in motion. Feet should be the same as in forequarters. Malformations: direct or saber fencers of limbs. Narrow, weak, underdeveloped hips. Too short or too long metatarsus (the ideal length of the shank – 1 / 3 of the distance from hip to foot). Cow hocks. Poorly developed musculature (loose). Weak joints |
Field spaniel dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 04:02 AM PDT  Field spaniel breed dog is a beautiful dog, Field spaniel dog is smart and very persistent, Field spaniel dog can be a hunter, and home companion. Field Spaniel, probably to a greater extent than any other representative of a large family of spaniels, were subjected to experiments to satisfy the whim of the person to hypertrophic development of some traits in the breed. Securing the breed unusually long body, squat and massive bone that eventually led to the creation of grotesque caricatures of the spaniel, is credited with Phi-Nisa Bullock from England. Apparently, this type has arisen due to multiple crossing of Wales with a cocker spaniel, Sussex. Later, largely through the efforts of Scott Mortimer, the breed has been improved and came to the type admired by everyone who loves hunting spaniels. Considerable difficulties arose in establishing the type of modern Field Spaniel in the United States. They concluded that for the betterment of the breed needed matings with Springer and cockers, of course, that kind of offspring, only a few pups have been reported in the American Kennel Club. Incidentally, in the early 1880′s cocker spaniel appeared in America until 1901, the only difference between the cockers and Springfield on the show was their weight. All dogs, weighing more than 11.5 kg, belonged to the Springfield, less – to cockers. As a result, Field Spaniel was useful and beautiful dog usually black in color, strong, straight forelegs and more acceptable index format (extended). Field of contemporary composition – dog possessing stamina, average speed and agility. In this paper it is balanced, smart and very persistent  Field spaniel puppy is playful and friendly dog, Field spaniel dog is very good family dog. Field Spaniel. Official Standard Approved August 14, 1990 General view. Field Spaniel combines beauty and outstanding working qualities. It is perfectly folded, tough hunting dog solid build and medium sizes. It can be a hunter, and home companion. She has a noble bearing, independent and loyal nature. Proportioned, movement, temperament and ability to work together are more important than the individual to become the exterior. Growth, proportion, composition. The balance between these three components is most important. Height: Height: males – 46 cm, females – 43 cm allowed deviation from the specified height in either direction within 2.5 cm Proportions: a well-balanced dog with a hull a little more height at the withers. Coefficient prolixity – about 7:6 (index format software), body length is measured from the precise articulation plechelopa-up buttock. Build: curvy, with good bone and strong, tight muscles. Head with a strong personality and dignity, which is proportional to the size of the dog. Expression in his eyes serious, gentle and intelligent. Almond-shaped eyes, wide open, medium size. Set wide and deep. The color of the walnut to dark brown. Eyelids lean, tight, third eyelid is not visible. Edge of the eyelids are painted to match the nose. Ears medium length (if they pull out, reach the nose), widely rounded at the ends. Placed just below eye level, hanging close to head, gathered into folds, covered with dense hair. Leather ears moderately heavy, soft. Skull a little wider to the back and slightly convex laterally. The sides of the skull flat, his cheekbones are not protruding. Occipital bone clearly defined and rounded. Eyebrows slightly raised. The transition from forehead to muzzle a clear but not deep, underline rising superciliary arches. Infraorbital region is full, not sunken. Muzzle strong, long and dry. Not pointed, not square. The nasal bridge is straight and almost parallel to the forehead. In profile, the bottom line of the muzzle gently curving from nose to throat. Jaws are smooth. Nose continues the line of the muzzle. Large, fleshy, with well opened nostrils. Color lobe – solid black or brown of various shades – from light to dark (in the tone color). His lips are dry, dense and deep enough, closing the lower jaw, but not raw and not pendulous. Scissor bite or direct, with the correct number and placement of teeth. Preferable to scissor  Field spaniel dog is strong, Field spaniel dog is well developed, Field spaniel dog has silky and shiny coat. Neck, Topline, Body. Neck long, strong, muscular and slightly arched, beautifully shaped, highly placed. Topline: neck smoothly into the withers, back straight, well muscled, firm and strong. Croup short and rounded. Housing: the front part of chest muscular, issued in advance. Depth of chest is approximately equal to the length of the foreleg from the elbow to the ground. The length of the chest is 2 / 3 body length. Ribs are oval, rather convex. Go to the stomach is smooth, not abrupt. The back is a smooth transition to the elastic waist. Loin short, strong, abdomen slightly tucked. The tail is low set – on the line of croup. At rest, dropped down. Docked accordingly the overall structure of the dog. Forequarters. Scapula oblique. Forearm placed not widely used. Elbows are directly under the withers, without twisting or out, or inside. Forearms are straight, with good bone, oval. The pasterns are strong and moderately sloping. Fifth fingers may be removed. Feet large, round, membranous, forward. Fingers are strong, arched, relatively fast compressed, with thick pads. Hindquarters strong, well developed. The croup is moderately broad and muscular. Hips broad and massive, muscled legs. Strong bones are the same as in forequarters. The knee and hock joints are moderately bent. Hocks low omitted. Metatarsals relatively short, strong, when viewed from behind are parallel to each other. Skeleton skeleton corresponds to the forequarters. The dewclaws are not allowed. Coat moderately long, straight, tight or slightly wavy, without undercoat. Silky and shiny, thick and waterproof. Washroom psovina like setters, adorns the chest, the lower part of the body, the back of the legs and thighs. On the tail hair brush on the lower surface. Metacarpus and metatarsus covered with short, straight, tight-fitting coat. Between the fingers are short, soft hair. Grooming is admissible only in those areas, natural lines that are hidden long or thick hair. Vices: an overly long, dense or harsh wool, not Godyaev to work  Field spaniel dog is playful and sensitive dog, Field spaniel dog loves the company of humans. Black, liver (reddish brown), golden liver, roan, or any of these colors with tan points. A small amount of white on the chest and / or throat. Movement. Field Spaniel moves with her head held high. Good removal of forelimb from the shoulder and powerful hind limbs repulsion causes the characteristic light and wide, creeping pace at which the rear part of the body is stored in some way. Limbs are moving in parallel with increasing velocity directed towards the center of gravity. The dog’s tail is bent down, or at the back, not swinging them. Movement of economical, energy is not spent in vain. Field Spaniel To be shown at a trot. Flaws: exaggeratedly wide removal of the forelimbs and the movement with the movement of feet “footprints”. Temperament. Unusually docile, sensitive, playful, independent and intelligent, loves the company of humans. May be a little reticent at first meetings. Any manifestation of timidity or aggression flawed |
Vizsla dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 03:42 AM PDT  Vizsla breed dog is a hunting dog, Vizsla dog is fast and careful dog, Vizsla dog has a magnificent scent, Vizsla dog combines the quality of a gun-dog and retriever. The origin of vyzhly, or Hungarian setter, hidden from us for centuries have passed, but it can be assumed that the ancestors of this dog came to Central Europe with Magyar tribes that settled in the territory of modern Hungary. One of the petroglyphs X century depicts the Magyar hunter with a falcon and a dog-like vyzhlu. In a hand-written code of laws of the XIV century there is a chapter on falconry, with an illustration of a dog, which to a greater or lesser degree of certainty can be considered vyzhlu. It is obvious that this breed was popular among the rulers and the military aristocracy, who intentionally or accidentally to preserve the purity of the breed. Saving vyzhly since ancient times because of its innate quality of hunting evolved and established themselves in conditions in which this breed has lived at the outset, namely, on the plains of Hungary, where the summer was hot and long, and winter – not too harsh. Partridges, hares and other game were performed in the set. Among this wealth was bound to appear a hunting dog, corresponding to climatic conditions and types of hunting. The local hunters needed a dog fast and careful, which has a magnificent scent, which combines the quality of a gun-dog and retriever. And the dog Hungarian hunters received Vizsla dog is a strong and hardy hunter, Vizsla dog has graceful movements. Two world wars have affected the breeding of the breed. By the end of World War I stock vyzhly there are virtually no it has not disappeared just because of the efforts of enthusiasts. Hungarians who had fled before the Russian army in Austria, Italy and Germany, brought with them their dogs, some of which remained in Czechoslovakia, Turkey and southern Russia. Vyzhlu started to deliver in the U.S. in 1950 and registered in the American Kennel Club in 1960. It has established itself as a strong and hardy hunter, as well as kind and friendly pet dogs. Poynter on the type, Vizsla – a dog of a large and aristocratic appearance: short hair, a nice reddish-golden color, a massive addition and at the same time elegant, harmoniously built, with light, free and graceful movements. This versatile hunter on the field bird and hare can not succeed on the pitch waterfowl  Vizsla puppies are friendly and playful dogs, Vizsla dog has nice reddish-brown color. Vizsla. Official Standard Approved April 12, 1983 General view. Short-haired hunting dog of medium size, representative and aristocratic appearance. Sturdy and strong but not heavy, solid color, a nice reddish-brown. The paper is hardy and fast dog, but at home – an obedient and loving. It should immediately be emphasized that changes of coat and honorable scars received while working in the field, as well as the strong, sinewy muscle indicate that it is – a working hunting dog, and in any case are not considered flaws. Quality, indicating that the dog is exposed and is still working should be encouraged, not condemned. My head is dry and muscular. Skull moderately wide between ears, with the notch on the forehead. The transition from forehead to muzzle smooth. Muzzle in profile along the length equal to or slightly shorter than the skull, and gradually tapers from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle to the nose. Muzzle square and deep. Nose not turned up and downy. Nostrils wide open. Nose brown. Thin, silky, proportional to the length of the ears with rounded ends, set fairly low, tightly adhering to the head. Jaws strong, teeth are white, scissor bite. Eyes of medium size, not prominent, not sunken, her eyelids cover proteins. The color of the iris in tone color. Eyelids tightly cover your eyes, they are not tucked and not twisted, because otherwise fallen into the eyes of dust and seeds of plants irritate the cornea. Lips not pendulous and free, and completely cover the jaw. Vices: not brown nose. Yellow or any other color of eyes, exophthalmia. ELIMINATING FAULTS: totally black nose. The neck and body. Neck strong, smooth lines, muscular, medium length, arched and without suspension, harmoniously expands and turns into a moderately sloping shoulders. This quality is necessary, as should maintain a balance with the hindquarters, the angles of articulation which are expressed in moderation. Housing is strong and sturdy. Back short. Withers high and the topline is slightly sloping. Chest moderately broad and deep (up to the elbows). Ribs fairly prominent, slightly picked up the groin. Tail Set on slightly below the topline, tapering to and docked at two thirds the original length. Ideally, it should reach to the back of the knee joint, the dog must carry it flat or slightly above or below. Flaws: Undocked  Nice reddish-brown Vizsla puppies playing at home, Vizsla dog is a muscular dog, Vizsla dog is born to be a hunter dog. Forequarters. Vanes proportionally long and broad, moderately sloping. Forearms straight and muscular, elbows close to the body. Feet round cat-like, compact with tightly clenched fingers. Claws brown and short. The pads are thick and dense. Feet point straight ahead. The dewclaws, if any, are removed and front and rear limbs. Flaws: bunny paws. Hindquarters. Hindquarters well developed thighs and moderately angulated stifles and hocks in balance with sloping shoulders. When viewed from the rear limbs straight. Metatarsus slightly inclined, and parallel to each other. Flaws: bowed (too much angle hock), straight hocks. Coat Short, smooth, thick, tight, no undercoat. Colour golden of various shades of rusty. Allowed: small white spot on chest, some white hairs on his fingers, age graying hair. Vices: the color of dark mahogany red and pale yellow. Serious faults: any expression of black in the coat. ELIMINATING FAULTS: large patches on the chest, and any markings are white on the other parts of the body. White spots on the feet. Motion light, graceful, smooth, with good reach limbs. On a fast trot harmoniously combined dog must keep one set of footprints (footprints). Growth. Height: Males – 56 – 61 cm, females – 53 – 58.5 cm ELIMINATING FAULTS: deviations from the specified standard by more than 3.5 cm, as vyzhla – a dog of medium size. Temperament. Vyzhla – a born hunter with great flair and well-trained. Lively, sweet-tempered, affectionate and sensitive, and at the same time, fearless, with a resistant protection instinct. Vices: cowardice, timidity and nervousness. ELIMINATING FAULTS Black nose. Large white patches on the chest, and any white markings on other parts of the body, white spots on the feet. Height: Males – 64.5 cm above or below 52.5 cm, females – 62 cm above and below 49.5 cm |
Brittany dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 03:20 AM PDT  Brittany dog is intelligent hunter, Brittany breed dog has small size, Brittany dog has excellent intuition. The name comes from the French province of Brittany, which first appeared in this breed. From 1934 to 1982 it was registered in the American Kennel Club as a Breton Spaniel, though the manner of operation looked more like a setter. In appearance Breton less setter, but vysokonog more than a spaniel’s tail is short, ears are planted relatively high. On September 1, 1982 the breed received official status in the AKC as Breton. Most experts believe that all dogs, hunting small game, have a common ancestor, although data on the development and dissemination of various hunting breeds are lost for centuries. Early written records do not reveal the origin of Breton. They are referred to as Brittany and Britain, the latter probably relates to the British Isles, than to name the French provinces as Brittany to the V century BC. er. was known as Armorica. Appiah, who lived in the II century, wrote about the barbarians of Brittany (or British?), Noting that their dogs had a flair much better than others. This quality of many Breton continues to this day. It is likely that dogs are Brittany and Wales had a common ancestry and similar paths of development. These two areas are geographically close to ancient times and are actively traded with each other. Need only look at modern velsh Springer Spaniel and Breton, to note their similarities. The first source, reliably indicate Breton – paintings and tapestries of the XVII century. The consistency with which the images of these dogs, said that they were quite common. Audrey (1686-1745) paints a liver and white dog in a rack over a partridge. Equally typical images of artists of Flemish school of painting by Jan Steen, is common in Breton and other paintings. Therefore, the ancestor of Breton – not uncommon on the northern coast of France, Holland and Germany, where he came from German vahtelhund (Deutcher Wachtelhund) – modern rock, the appearance and working qualities reminiscent of Breton.  Brittany dog is a good hunter, Brittany dog is fast and easy trained dog. Legend has it that the first ancestor of the modern scanty Breton was placed approximately in the middle of the XIX century Ponte, a small town situated in the valley Dyuron, as a result of crossbreeding with white patches of mahogany bitches local hunter and a lemon-white male, was brought in Brittany English hunter woodcock. Of the two scanty puppies that have emerged in the litter, only one left. It worked perfectly in the field, and therefore became a popular manufacturer. Puppies in all its litter or do not have a tail, or were born with short tails-stumps. Until 1850 there was no written evidence concerning this breed. In 1850, Reverend Davis described the shooting in Carhaix with small short-tailed dogs with longer hair than the Pointer. They worked well in the bush, did stand over the game, they brought game and enjoyed very popular among poachers, because the very nature of this profession requires a docile dogs. Description of these dogs is fully consistent Breton. There have been suggestions (to confirm at least once), in Brittany at the turn of the XX century is often tied to local Spaniel English Retriever, which brought fans hunting for woodcock. The result is believed to have Bretons entrenched ability to stand, although their appearance has remained the same. Breton, as the breed was recognized in 1907, when the orange-and-white dog fight was registered as the first I’epagneul Breton (queque courts naturelle) [Brittany Spaniel (with a naturally short tail)], the breed name was soon shortened to I’epagneul Breton. Until 1907 Breton included in the “mixed class” French spaniels, but then was adopted by the first breed standard, which required that the tail was short at birth. Later, the requirement of congenital korotkohvostosti been omitted. Breton appeared in the United States in 1931 and officially recognized by the AKC in 1934. The first standard, literally translated from French, was rather vague. A significant achievement of the American club of fans of Bretons, founded in 1942, was to develop a clear and explicit official standard, which replaced the old one. The growing popularity of Bretons in the United States due to their working qualities. Small size, excellent intuition and innate devotion to his master make this dog indispensable for American hunters. Thanks to its size, it is convenient for keeping in the city, and his desire to always be profitable in today’s hunting grounds, crossed by numerous roads and fences  Brittany dog is a good family dog thanks to its size,Brittany dog is convenient for keeping in the city. Most of the breeders Bretons in the U.S. is trying to breed dogs with good conformation and simultaneously working to preserve quality. The most popular field tests conducted by club Breton and its many affiliates. Interest in the exhibition owners Bretons increased significantly in recent years. For 30 years, more than 150 dogs have won the coveted title of “Double Champion” (winner of the trials of working qualities and at the exhibition). Breton. Official Standard Approved April 10, 1990 General view. Compact, well-built dog of medium size, relatively vysokonogaya the impression of a tireless and agile runner. Strong, lively, energetic and fast moving. Strong and powerful addition, but without coarseness – a characteristic feature of this breed. Without a tail or a docked tail length of about 10 cm Height, weight, proportion, composition. Height: 44,5-52 cm Weight: 13,5 – 18 kg. Proportions: Dog moderately vysokonoga format – square. Length of body approximately equals the height at the withers (from humeroscapular joint to point of buttock). Addition: the backbone of a strong but not powerful and not rude. Vices: excessive prolixity. ELIMINATING FAULTS: growth below 44.5 cm or 52 cm above Head. Expression in his eyes – an energetic, gambling, while soft, like a bird dog. Deep-set eyes, expressive, protected from the branches of bushes bushy eyebrows, since Breton has to work actively in the shrubbery and undergrowth. The muzzle is well filled under the eyes, lower eyelids are dry and do not form pockets, which can get seeds, dirt and dust. Preference for dark eyes, though lighter shades of amber are allowed. Ears are set high – higher than eye level. Broad and triangular, hanging, reaching to the middle of the muzzle, tightly adhering to the head. The ends of the ears, slightly rounded. Ears are covered with dense, but relatively short hair, with weak fringe. Skull of medium length, rounded, slightly wedge-shaped. Not deep and not wide, so the head does not look rough, and narrow, not to look easy. The transition from forehead to muzzle well defined. Furrow on the forehead is not marked. Occiput rounded and determined only by touch. Cheeks are rounded. Muzzle medium length, approximately two-thirds of the length of the skull. Length of muzzle measured from the nose to the transition from forehead to muzzle and the skull – from the occiput to the transition from forehead to muzzle. In the horizontal and vertical wedge-shaped snout gradually converges to the nose. Nose reindeer, dark yellowish brown, all shades of brown or dark-pink color. Nostrils dilated, which makes breathing easier and prichuivanie game. Lips dry, tight, upper lip covers the lower jaw, covering the lower lip. Scissor bite. Faults: Round, protruding eyes, exophthalmia; missing or piteous look; skull “apple”, a sharp transition from forehead to muzzle; Roman nose (hook-nosed), hollow nasal bridge, broad, massive, pointed muzzle, two-tone nose or nose-” butterfly (not fully pigmented nose). Narrow nostrils. Moist lips and pendulous Bryl. Overshot or undershot. ELIMINATING FAULTS: black (anthracite) nose  Brittany dog has strong feets and short tail, Brittany dog is strong and fast hunter. Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is medium length, dry – no suspension – and not loaded, strong. Highly placed on a sloping shoulder blades. The topline is slightly reduced from the withers to the tail. Chest deep, reaches to the elbows, not too broad, not round, so as not to impede the movements of the shoulder blades and elbows. Ribs protruding. Deep and broad in proportion to the chest leaves enough room for the heart and lungs. Back short and straight, not weak, not soft, does not sway or roach. The croup is slightly sloped. Flanks rounded, strong, slightly matched. The belly is slightly tucked up, not dropped, and not lean. Loins short and strong. Distance from last rib to the hips – three or four fingers. In a move loin should not sway horizontally, giving back a zigzag motion and thereby wasting energy. The tail is short – up to 10 cm, natural or docked. The tail should not be too long, violating the general equilibrium dog. Set high, continuing to the top line of the back. Flaws: concave or ewe neck (short, crude, nizkopostavlennaya). Narrow or shallow chest. Narrow and weak loins. The tail is longer than 10 cm Forequarters. Vanes should not be abruptly issued and to be too far apart – the distance between them two thumbs up, slanting and well muscled, combined with the humerus at an angle of about 90 °. Height at the withers is slightly higher than the croup. Forelimbs when seen from the front set parallel to each other and not too wide – without outwards or clubfoot. Pasterns slightly sloping. The bones of the forelegs are strong, graceful and easy. Dense core – the same flaw as long limbs and lungs. The necessity of harmony between the fortress and the addition of energetic movement. Height from ground to elbow is approximately equal to the distance from elbow to withers. Feet strong, slightly less than a spaniel, arched his fingers collected and thickly padded. Coat on legs – moderate. Perfect foot should be oval, with solid pads. Fifth fingers may be removed. Flaws: vertically raised vanes. Too sloping, soft pasterns. Flat, loose, narrow feet. Hindquarters broad, strong and muscular, with powerful thighs and well bent knee, providing a powerful and free forward movement. Hindquarters: angles hocks are well expressed, but not enough to calcaneus went far beyond the line of the body. Points for direct posed hind limbs are not removed until the referee in the ring will not check the dog in motion. Hocks should not turn to the side. Thighs covered with a dense but not too thick restroom psovinoy, falling to mid-plus. Metatarsus medium length and steep – parallel to each other – when viewed from the side. Must be strong when the judge of their swings. Feet are the same as in forequarters. Faults: Cow hocks or barrel-like hind limbs |
Weimaraner dog Posted: 27 Apr 2011 02:54 AM PDT  Weimaraner breed dog is brave and intelligent dog, Weimaraner dog is rare breed, Weimaraner dog is hunting dog, Weimaraner dog has good feel and search. Weimaraner – young breed, originated in the early XIX century. Modern Weimaraner – a product of crossing different breeds, with careful screening and selection to fix the desired type and working qualities. Ancestors of the breed were the same dog from which there was a german haired pointer. Since then, the increased height at the withers and weight Weimaraner, but the characteristic color, which is described as silvery gray hair or a mouse-gray, has remained virtually the same. Breed took care of the palace know Weimar. These gentlemen, long familiar with different types of hunting, conceived to combine in one dog, the qualities that they find useful for hunting abounding in those days in Germany’s game. In short, the dog must have had a good feel, and search, and to be brave and intelligent. Progenitors Weimaraner was used as the etching of dogs in hunting big game: wolves, wild cats, deer, bears, etc. By the time this production has become rare breed of enthusiasts formed an organized club, which was the first description of the dog. Club members were amateur hunters who sought to create a working breed and not for profit. As a result, buy a Weimaraner was difficult even in Germany and in other countries – almost impossible. Before you buy a dog, it was necessary to become a member of the club and club membership required from the candidate of unconditional compliance with the rules of breeding species. One of them says that the offspring of dogs that inspection of the club found it unsuitable, not entered in the studbook, others insisted on the destruction of dogs – even from the litter, the approved inspection – exterior and temperament which does not conform to the breed. Of course, in such circumstances Weimaraner could not get wide distribution  Weimaraner dog is easy trained dog, Weimaraner dog is intelligent and active dog. The United States met with Weimaraner in 1929, when members of the German Weimaraner Club was an American hunter and dog breeder Howard Knight. He was allowed to take two puppies, and Knight was the founder of the American Weimaraner Club and its first president. The club tried to work on the same principles that helped to preserve the purity of the breed in its homeland, Germany. It is worth mentioning that after the disappearance of big game in Germany, the Weimaraner coached for upland game and field, and also used as a retriever for hunting ducks, as he was known for his ponoskoy. And in America, and Germany Weimaraner was used mainly for hunting practice, rather than competition and field trials. In the U.S., aroused interest in the Weimaraner first competition in training before, in 1943 recognized the breed American Kennel Club. Female Weimaraner received in 1941 three times the degree C.D1. Later, another dog under the age of 10 months, got all the power on all types of tests, but work on the trail. Curiously, in America, Weimaraner often participated in various trials and competitions than in all the decades of the breed in Germany. With regard to character, then that dog should not be kept in an aviary or nursery. It must be a member of the family and pleased to assume all responsibilities, which is entrusted with  Weimaraner puppies are cute and friendly dog, Weimaraner dog is aristocratic, Weimaraner dog looks graceful. Weimaraner. Official Standard Approved December 14, 1971 General view. Weimaraner – a dog of medium size, gray color, with chiselled aristocratic features. Looks graceful, agile, sturdy and perfectly folded. General view veyma- Companion Dog – Companion Dog. Rahner demonstrates his ability to work in a field with great speed and endurance. Growth. Height: Males – 63.5 – 68.5 cm, females – 58.5 – 63.5 cm Flaws: height deviations within 2,5 cm ELIMINATING FAULTS: Dogs – less than 61 cm or more than 71 cm, females – less than 56 cm or more than 66 cm Head of medium length, aristocratic, with moderate transition from forehead to muzzle and easy groove, passing along his forehead. Occipital bone pronounced. Distance from nose to the transition from forehead to muzzle the distance from the transition from forehead to muzzle to occiput. Lips dry, tight, thin. Leather skinny head. Expression of the eyes is good, insightful, lively and intelligent. Ears set high, long-lopasteob different, slightly pleated, extended along the muzzle, ears do not reach the nose by about 5 cm’s eyes light amber, gray or bluish-gray, set wide apart and point to a good disposition and intelligence ; in the excited state pupils dilate, the eyes are almost black. Teeth large, cutters are on the same line, are proportional to the size of the jaw. Scissor bite. Preferred full set of teeth. Nose gray. Lips and gums pinkish flesh-colored. Corps of medium length, straight topline, strong, slightly sloping from withers to base of tail. Chest strong, deep, with sloping shoulders. Ribs long, rather convex. Picked up a groin, abdomen slightly tucked. Sternum lowered to the elbow  Weimaraner dog is straight and shiny, Weimaraner dog looks aristcratic and powerful. Coat and color. The coat is short, straight, tight, shiny, solid color on mouse-gray to silvery-gray colors on the head and ears are usually lighter tones. A small amount of white on the chest. Faults: White spots on other parts of the body. Disqualifying faults: a long coat. Blue or black color. The forelegs are straight and strong. Distance from the elbow to the chest is approximately equal to the distance from the withers to the elbow. Hindquarters well-muscled. Angulation of the knee are well expressed. Hocks straight. Feet are hard and compact, with webbed, arched, pads thick, nails short and gray or amber. Dewclaws removed. Tail docked. The adult dog it should be up to 15 cm, more easy than hard. The dog has his calm and confident, demonstrating a balanced character. Flaws: Undocked. Movements are free, well-coordinated. When observing the rear hind legs should move parallel to the front. When viewed from the side of the back should remain straight and strong. Temperament. Nature friendly, fearless, lively and docile. Vices Disadvantages: too short or too long tail. Pink nose. Vices: Dogs in suchem, bitches doggy style; underdevelopment muscles; caries, the absence of more than four teeth, shortened or extended format, sway or roach back; uncharacteristic coat, too short, thick neck or a suspension, tail set low; turned in or out elbows; outwards, clubfoot, pacing, weak legs; Cowhocks, undershot or overshot, pointed snout, short ears. Very serious flaws: the white spots on any part of the body except the chest and his eyes any color except gray, bluish-gray or light amber, black mottled mouth; Undocked; manifestation of timidity or cowardice. ELIMINATING FAULTS Deviation from the height at the withers by more than 2.5 cm in one direction or another. Long coat. Blue or black color |